Yeremia dipanggil dan diutus Tuhan Allah untuk menyampaikan Firman Allah kepada bangsa Israel di Selatan: Kerajaan Yehuda yang hidup dalam kejahatan dan dosa dihadapan Tuhan. Yeremia menerima tugas yang berat, namun jaminan Tuhan menyertai pelayanan Yeremia (1:5-8).
bulir-bulir pemikiran atas Firman Allah yang hidup dan aplikasinya dalam hidup berjemaat dalam ruang dan waktu agar siapapun diperkaya dan bertumbuh terus dalam kasih Kristus
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Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Khotbah Yeremia 9:1-3
Harapan bagi pertobatan
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011
Puasa dan pelaksanaannya
Cara memulai dan melaksanakan puasa akan sangat menentukan keberhasilan Anda. Dengan mengikuti tujuh langkah pokok berikut ini, Anda akan membuat waktu Anda bersama Tuhan menjadi lebih berarti dan bermanfaat secara rohani.
LANGKAH 1: Tentukan Tujuan Anda
Mengapa Anda berpuasa?
Artikel Menarik,
Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011
Khotbah Yesaya 58:1-5
Kesalehan hidup yang sejati
Sidang jemaat yang dikasihi Tuhan,
Puasa dimengerti sebagai praktek rohani dengan berpantang makan dan minum. Umat Tuhan berpuasa dengan berbagai alasan (1) saat mendengar berita buruk
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011
Yesus dan Agama Lain
Sesekali saya diundang ke pertemuan-pertemuan yang tidak biasa sebagai hasil dari tulisan-tulisan saya. Salah satu yang paling tak terlupakan mengambil tempat di New Orleans, atas undangan M. Scott Peck, seorang psikiater dan penulis buku-buku seperti The Road Less Traveled dan People of Lie. Peck memiliki teori bahwa proses pembangunan komunitas harus mendahului upaya penyelesaian konflik, dan ia mengumpulkan tiga puluh orang yang sangat bebeda untuk menguji teori tersebut.
Peck mempertemukan sepuluh orang Yahudi, sepuluh orang Kristen, dan sepuluh Muslim,
Cara Yesus Menyembuhkan
Banyak dari kita benar-benar membutuhkan kesembuhan dari luka hati, keputusasaan dan kebiasaan buruk kita. Dan jalan menuju kesembuhan itu hanya ada satu, yakni kesembuhan cara Yesus.
Ini adalah salah satu dari spesialisasi Yesus. Malahan, pelayanan Yesus sendiri bisa dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yang sejajar - pengajaran, khotbah dan penyembuhan. Matius 9:35 menyebutkan, "Demikianlah Yesus berkeliling ke semua kota dan desa; Ia mengajar dalam rumah-rumah ibadat dan memberitakan Injil Kerajaan Sorga serta melenyapkan segala penyakit dan kelemahan."
Di dalam Khotbah di Bukit - suatu khotbah yang paling agung dalam sejarah - Yesus menyediakan delapan jalan untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan dan kebahagiaan.
Bagaimana Dia melakukannya?
Ini adalah salah satu dari spesialisasi Yesus. Malahan, pelayanan Yesus sendiri bisa dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yang sejajar - pengajaran, khotbah dan penyembuhan. Matius 9:35 menyebutkan, "Demikianlah Yesus berkeliling ke semua kota dan desa; Ia mengajar dalam rumah-rumah ibadat dan memberitakan Injil Kerajaan Sorga serta melenyapkan segala penyakit dan kelemahan."
Di dalam Khotbah di Bukit - suatu khotbah yang paling agung dalam sejarah - Yesus menyediakan delapan jalan untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan dan kebahagiaan.
Bagaimana Dia melakukannya?
Gereja Eksis bukan untuk Kepentingan Anggotanya
Apakah Gereja benar-benar perlu bagi orang Kristen? - Bagian 4 Philip Yancey
Archbishop William Temple berkata, "Gereja adalah satu-satunya masyarakat kooperatif di dunia yang eksis bukan untuk kepentingan anggotanya." Ini adalah pelajaran yang paling jelas dari gereja saya di Chicago, LaSalle Street Church yang misinya melebar untuk menjangkau kebutuhan dari orang-orang yang ada di sekelilingnya. Salah satu alasan jemaat yang berbeda-beda dapat bekerja sama dengan baik adalah karena kami terikat untuk menjangkau masyarakat sekeliling. Melayani orang lain akan menyebabkan Anda tidak banyak berpikir tentang melayani diri sendiri.
Ketika para guru Sekolah Minggu memperhatikan banyak murid tidak dapat membaca,
Archbishop William Temple berkata, "Gereja adalah satu-satunya masyarakat kooperatif di dunia yang eksis bukan untuk kepentingan anggotanya." Ini adalah pelajaran yang paling jelas dari gereja saya di Chicago, LaSalle Street Church yang misinya melebar untuk menjangkau kebutuhan dari orang-orang yang ada di sekelilingnya. Salah satu alasan jemaat yang berbeda-beda dapat bekerja sama dengan baik adalah karena kami terikat untuk menjangkau masyarakat sekeliling. Melayani orang lain akan menyebabkan Anda tidak banyak berpikir tentang melayani diri sendiri.
Ketika para guru Sekolah Minggu memperhatikan banyak murid tidak dapat membaca,
Bagaimana Menjadi Seorang Pembangun Umat?
Kita semua butuh orang yang bisa memberi kita tantangan pribadi, menolong kita menemukan dalam hal apa kita memberi hasil yang terbaik, serta mendorong kita untuk mengerjakannya dengan baik. Rick Warren
Sebagai pelayan Tuhan, Anda adalah seorang pembangun umat. Allah memakai Anda untuk menolong orang lain agar bisa menjadi sesuai dengan rencana Allah bagi mereka. Namun kemungkinan besar Anda tidak terlatih untuk menjalankannya. Bagaimana Anda memunculkan yang terbaik dari dalam diri orang lain? Entah dia adalah jemaat awam di gereja Anda, pimpinan gereja yang sedang Anda bimbing, atau seorang staf gereja yang sedang Anda bantu untuk bertumbuh, Kemampuan Anda untuk membangun umat merupakan tugas inti Anda. Malahan, kebutuhan Anda untuk menjadi seorang pembangun umat tidak berhenti di saat Anda telah meninggalkan peran pelayanan Anda. Anda juga perlu menjadi pembangun keluarga dan para sahabat Anda.
Keempat langkah berikut akan membantu Anda membangun umat dengan lebih efektif:
Beri tantangan pribadi kepada orang-orang. Paulus melakukan hal ini di dalam Efesus 4:1, "Sebab itu aku menasihatkan kamu, aku, orang yang dipenjarakan karena Tuhan, supaya hidupmu sebagai orang-orang yang telah dipanggil berpadanan dengan panggilan itu." Dia menantang pembaca suratnya untuk membuat hidup mereka berarti. Mengapa? Kita semua perlukan suatu target, proyek ataupun visi yang menuntut kita mengerahkan kemampuan terbaik kita. Jemaat Anda butuh dikerah untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu atau mengejar suatu visi.
Allah ingin agar kita dan jemaat kita memanfaatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan terbaik kita bagi Dia. Di tengah dunia yang sekuler ini, perencanaan karir, analisis temperamen serta tes kemampuan adalah bidang bisnis yang memberi keuntungan besar. Mengapa? Kita semua butuh orang yang bisa memberi kita tantangan pribadi, menolong kita menemukan dalam hal apa kita memberi hasil yang terbaik, serta mendorong kita untuk mengerjakannya dengan baik.
Alkitab mengajarkan kita bahwa itulah hal yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh jemaat. Kita harus menjadi pembangun umat. Pokok ini harus selalu menjadi dasar pengajaran kita. Kita perlu menantang umat untuk hidup sesuai dengan rencana Allah. Apa yang dilakukan oleh kita dalam menantang orang untuk menggenapi rencana Allah?
Beri mereka keyakinan penuh Paulus berkata dalam Roma 15:2-3 "Kita yang kuat, wajib menanggung kelemahan orang yang tidak kuat... untuk membangunnya" Paulus menyuruh kita untuk membangun orang lain dalam iman. Untuk bisa memunculkan yang terbaik dari dalam diri orang lain, kita perlu memberi mereka keyakinan penuh akan hal yang bisa Allah lakukan melalui mereka. Yesus melakukan hal ini pada Petrus. "Aku memberi kamu nama yang baru". Nama Petrus, yakni Petros, berarti batu karang. Saat Yesus mengucapkan hal ini kepada Petrus, dia ini sama sekali bukanlah batu karang. Saat itu dia adalah orang yang gegabah, impulsif dan ceroboh! Namun Yesus berkata bahwa dia akan menjadi batu karang. Yesus tidak menyebutkan seperti apa keadaan Petrus sebelumnya; Yesus menyebutkan akan menjadi seperti apa Petrus nantinya.
Setiap kali Anda mencap seseorang, Anda sedang membentuk orang tersebut. Jika Anda mencap jemaat Anda 'malas', 'tidak tertib' atau 'pemarah', maka hal-hal semacam itulah yang akan Anda dapatkan dari mereka. Jadi, bangunlah mereka. Allah melakukan hal ini pada Gideon. Dia menyebut Gideon 'Pahlawan yang gagah berani' padahal dia adalah orang paling penakut di kalangan umat Israel saat itu. Allah menyebut dia sebagai pahlawan yang gagah berani, dan Gideon memang benar-benar menjadi pemberani.
1 Tesalonika 5:11 menyebutkan, "Karena itu nasihatilah seorang akan yang lain dan saling membangunlah kamu seperti yang memang kamu lakukan." Jika Anda ingin menjadi pembangun umat, maka Anda harus menjadi pendorong semangat yang baik. Bagaimana melakukannya? Ada tiga tips untuk itu:
Harus nyata - bukan sekadar sanjungan palsu.
Harus teratur. Sampaikan setiap saat
Harus bisa dipahami atau tepat. Sampaikan dengan persis hal apa yang sedang Anda bangkitkan di dalam diri orang tersebut.
Kadang kala Anda mendengar orang berkata, "Kalau ada kesalahan, bos pasti mengumumkannya!" Jangan menjadi bos yang semacam itu; itu adalah kepemimpinan yang buruk.
Berikan mereka bimbingan yang bijak. Anda tidak akan melihat kemajuan tanpa adanya proses belajar, dan tak ada proses belajar tanpa adanya umpan balik. Karena kita semua ini tidak sempurna, maka pandangan kita seringkali keliru. Kita perlu orang-orang yang akan menyatakan hal yang sebenarnya dengan jujur kepada kita.
Amsal 27:17 menyebutkan, "Kita belajar dari sesama sebagaimana besi menajamkan besi." Kita akan bisa memunculkan yang terbaik dari dalam diri orang lain jika kita bersedia untuk bersikap jujur terhadap mereka. Pembangun umat harus cukup peduli untuk mengoreksi bahkan menegur.
Ingat bahwa tindakan koreksi itu berdampak kuat dan bisa berbahaya. Koreksi yang dilakukan dengan benar akan membangun orang; koreksi yang dilakukan dengan keliru bisa melukai seseorang seumur hidupnya.
Apakah yang membedakan antara koreksi yang benar dengan yang keliru? Sikap hati Anda saat melakukan koreksi. Jika sikap hati Anda seperti ini: "Aku hanya sekadar menunjukkan apa kesalahanmu," maka itu salah. Orang tidak butuh dibeberkan kesalahannya. Kebanyakan dari kita cukup sadar akan apa kesalahan kita. Tujuan Anda seharusnya adalah untuk mendorong mereka untuk mengubah perilaku mereka dan bukan sekadar mengecam mereka. Efesus 4:15 menyebutkan, "teguh berpegang kepada kebenaran di dalam kasih."
Beri mereka penghargaan yang sepenuhnya Untuk menjadi pembangun umat, Anda perlu berikan pujian atas pertumbuhan dan perubahan yang Anda lihat terjadi di dalam diri mereka. Saya memasang plakat di kantor saya, plakat itu berbunyi, "Allah bisa mengerjakan hal-hal yang luar biasa melalui orang yang tidak peduli siapa yang akan menerima penghargaan." Itu adalah bagian dari hal membangun umat. Umumnya kita cenderung berbagi kesalahan sambil menyimpan penghargaan bagi diri kita sendiri.
Sebagai seorang pendeta, Anda akan menerima banyak pujian jika segala sesuatu brjalan dengan baik (dan banyak kecaman jika hal sebaliknya yang terjadi). Hal ini wajar. Namun jika nanti ada orang yang memuji Anda atas sesuatu hal baik yang terjadi di gereja (pertumbuhan jemaat, peristiwa yang berdampak luas, atau yang serupa itu), cari siapa yang layak menerima penghargaan itu dan berikanlah kepada mereka. Itulah kepemimpinan. Dengan cara itu pulalah Anda akan membangun para pemimpin jemaat. Jika Anda terus saja memonopoli penghargaan atas hal-hal baik yang terjadi di gereja, akan sangat wajar jika nantinya Anda akan mengalami kesukaran dalam mempertahankan para pemimpin jemaat.
Penerapan keempat prinsip itu menuntut usaha keras. Saya tidak akan mempermanis kenyataan. Selalu ada harga yang harus dibayar untuk menjadi pembangun umat. Pengorbanan, usaha, uang dan tenaga - dan pada ujungnya adalah pengorbanan privasi Anda. Dan yang terutama, hal ini akan menggempur keegoisan Anda. Anda tidak bisa bersikap egois jika ingin menjadi pembangun umat.
Lalu mengapa Anda harus membangun umat? Karena itulah yang telah Allah perbuat untuk Anda. Allah telah begitu baik kepada Anda; maka Anda juga harus baik terhadap orang lain. Lakukanlah hal ini sebagai tanggapan Anda akan semua hal baik yang telah Allah perbuat bagi Anda. Saya ingin menantang Anda untuk menggunakan segenap sisa waktu pelayanan Anda - dan itu berarti sisa hidup Anda - sebagai pembangun umat. Fokuskanlah pelayanan Anda pada usaha membantu orang lain agar menjadi sesuai dengan rencana panggilan Allah bagi mereka. Itulah pekerjaan para gembala; itulah pekerjaan para pendeta.
Saya tidak bisa membayangkan cara lain yang lebih baik untuk menghabiskan sisa hidup saya.
Written by Rick Warren
Mengapa Kita Berdoa Sebelum Makan?
Perjamuan terakhir yang dibagikan oleh Yesus bersama murid-murid-Nya adalah perjamuan Paskah. Walaupun sebagian pakar Perjanjian Baru mempertanyakan hal ini, bukti-bukti yang terdapat di dalam Matius, Markus dan Lukas sangatlah meyakinkan.
Sebagai contoh, perhatikan bahwa ketiga Injil sinoptik memakai sebuah istilah Ibrani yang lazim ditemukan dalam literatur rabi-rabi Yahudi kuno: "eat the Passover" (Mat 26:17; Mar. 14:12; Luk. 22:11), yang merupakan istilah yang mengacu pada Jamuan Paskah (Seder), di mana jamuan tersebut mencakup acara makan domba Paskah, "Ketika tiba saatnya, Yesus duduk makan bersama-sama dengan rasul-rasul-Nya. Kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Aku sangat rindu makan Paskah ini bersama-sama dengan kamu, sebelum Aku menderita" (Luk 22:14).
Pada perjamuan tersebut, Yesus menyampaikan ucapan yang nantinya dibakukan di dalam lingkungan umat Kristen: "Dan ketika mereka sedang makan, Yesus mengambil roti, mengucap berkat ke atasnya, memecah-mecahkannya lalu memberikannya kepada murid-murid-Nya dan berkata, "Ambillah, makanlah, inilah tubuh-Ku." (Mat 26:26)
Ada tiga pertanyaan penting yang bisa diajukan dari kutipan ayat ini:
1. Apa dasar alkitabiah bagi tindakan Yesus yang mengucapkan doa berkat sebelum makan?
2. Mengapa kata it (nya) dicetak miring dalam terjemahan versi King James?
3. Apa pengaruh peristiwa ini terhadap kebiasaan umat Kristen yang berdoa sebelum makan?
Pertama, jika kita telusuri Alkitab yang dipakai di zaman Yesus (yakni Perjanjian Lama berbahasa Ibrani), kita tidak akan menemukan satupun perintah untuk berdoa sebelum makan. Rujukan yang paling mendekati adalah yang terdapat di dalam Ulangan 8:10: "Dan engkau akan makan dan akan kenyang, maka engkau akan memuji TUHAN, Allahmu, karena negeri yang baik yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu itu".
Perhatikan bahwa, ternyata, perintah itu menyuruh kita mengucapkan syukur setelah makan, bukan sebelumnya - dan ini adalah tradisi yang masih dijalankan oleh umat Yahudi yang taat beribadah, yakni dalam doa Birkat Hamazon (Ucapan Syukur Setelah Makan)
Sebenarnya, dasar tindakan Yesus mengucapkan syukur sebelum makan itu bukan dari dalam Alkitab, melainkan dari tradisi. Dia menghormati tradisi yang diawali oleh para rabi dan kemudian dipelihara oleh orang-orang Farisi. Pertimbangan mereka adalah: Kita memang diperintahkan untuk mengucapkan syukur setelah makan, tapi mari kita melangkah lebih dari perintah tertulis di dalam hukum Taurat di dalam menyatakan rasa terima kasih kita, mari kita ucapkan syukur sebelum makan.
Kedua, perhatikan bahwa doa syukur yang diperintahkan itu ditujukan kepada Allah dan bukan kepada makanan itu sendiri. Fokus kepada Allah dilestarikan dalam dalam doa sebelum makan [di kalangan Farisi]: "Terpujilah Engkau Tuhan, Allah kami, Raja alam semesta… yang memberikan roti dari bumi."
Para penerjemah Alkitab dari Inggris di abad ke-17 tidak terbiasa dengan tradisi-tradisi Yahudi abad pertama. Dengan mengambil tradisi sakramen dari Gereja Inggris dan Katholik Roma, mereka menganggap bahwa Yesus mengambil roti lalu memberkati roti itu, mengambil cawan dan memberkati cawan itu juga.
Kata it (nya) dicetak miring di dalam Matius 26:26 di versi KJV karena kata tersebut tidak terdapat di dalam naskah Yunaninya, melainkan hanya merupakan hasil pengembangan dari para penerjemah. Terjemahan harfiah dari ayat tersebut berbunyi, "Yesus mengambil roti dan mengucapkan berkat, Dia memecahkan roti itu, dan Dia membagikan kepada para murid." Naskah Yunani ini menunjukkan tradisi otentik Yahudi yang dijalankan oleh Yesus - mengucapkan berkat atau syukur kepada Tuhan atas makanan yang telah Dia tumbuhkan dari bumi yang subur.
Kita bisa melihat pola ini tersebar di sejumlah bagian dalam Perjanjian Baru. Sebagai contoh, Kisah 27:35: Sesudah berkata demikian, ia [Paulus] mengambil roti, mengucap syukur kepada Allah di hadapan semua mereka, memecah-mecahkannya, lalu mulai makan. (Perhatikan bahwa Paulus mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan dan bukan memberkati makanan itu)
Terakhir. perspektif orang Yahudi yang tertuang di dalam Perjanjian Baru juga bisa menjadi petunjuk bagi kita. Saat kita berdoa sebelum makan, sebenarnya kita sedang mengikuti tradisi Yahudi (bahkan tradisi orang Farisi) yang diwariskan kepada kita oleh Yesus dari Nazareth.
Sebagaimana yang digambarkan dengan sangat baik di dalam tradisi Yahudi, marilah kita menjadi orang yang memusatkan perhatian kepada Allah dan Raja kita di dalam setiap perbuatan kita. Bahkan para rabi menganjurkan kita untuk mencari setidaknya seratus kesempatan per hari untuk mengucap syukur kepada Allah sebagai Tuhan dan Raja kita. Pola pikir ini tercermin dalam seruan rasul Paulus: "Dan segala sesuatu yang kamu lakukan dengan perkataan atau perbuatan, lakukanlah semuanya itu dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, sambil mengucap syukur oleh Dia kepada Allah, Bapa kita." (Kolose 3:17)
Dalam kebiasaan kita mengucapkan doa syukur sebelum makan, marilah kita memusatkan perhatian kepada Sang Sumber, bukannya kepada makanan. Hendaklah kita tidak 'memberkati makanan' melainkan mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan' yang telah memenuhi setiap kebutuhan kita. Dengan demikian, kita menguduskan makanan tersebut dan mewujudkan suatu tindakan yang lebih rohani di bawah kemurahan Sang Raja Alam Semesta.
(Dwight A. Pryor adalah Pendiri dan Presiden Center for Judaic-Christian Studies di Dayton, Ohio. Dia juga salah satu pendiri Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research di Israel. Ketika sedang belajar di Israel, beliau tiba pada kesadaran betapa penting dan perlunya memahami Kekristenan lewat akar dan dimensi Ibraninya.)
Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
Kurikulum Katekisasi GPIB 2011-2012
Kurikulum katekisasi gpib jemaat pondok ungu
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Jumat, 24 Juni 2011
Tanya-Jawab: Haruskah Berdoa saat Makan?
Jika saya lapar dan makan di sebuah restoran, bisakah saya langsung makan? Haruskah berdoa di hadapan orang lain yang berlainan iman? Apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan?
Doa selain cara meminta pertolongan, bisa juga dipahami sebagai ekspresi syukur dan sukacita terhadap Tuhan Allah, termasuk saat menghadapi sepering nasi panas dengan dendeng pedas dan sayur nangka muda bersantan. Nikmatnya makanan dan segelas es jeruk manis, menjadi lengkap jika keluar pujian dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Tuhan yang memberkati hidup. Tuhan Yesus sebelum memberi makan orang banyak, berdoa mengucap syukur atas roti dan ikan yang diterima. Saya percaya orang lain juga senang bahwa ada sesama yang bersyukur kepada Allah. Bukankah kita saudara sebangsa setanah air dengan beragam makanan yang sedap dalam cita rasa Nusantara? Jika saya boleh masuk ke rumah makan Padang dan menikmati masakan mereka dengan doa kristiani, betapa indah republik ini dan betapa baiknya Tuhan yang memberi rejeki sehingga lewat pelayanan petugas restoran, kita menikmati berkat Allah. Berdoalah dengan rasa syukur dan buat sesama penikmat kuliner Nusantara. Selamat makan.
Tanya-Jawab: Ibadah Minggu dan Pekerjaan
Bagaimana jika kita tidak bisa beribadah hari Minggu jika perusahaan mewajibkan bertugas pada hari Minggu? Apa yang harus dilakukan?
Hukum Allah tentang menguduskan hari Sabat, perlu dipelihara dalam kesadaran sebagai orang percaya dengan menghadiri persekutuan Ibadah Minggu. Beribadah di hari Minggu merupakan ekspresi syukur dan penyembahan kepada Tuhan Allah yang mengasihi dengan menyelamatkan manusia dari kebinasaan dan hukuman kekal. Jika memang karena alasan dinas saudara tidak dapat menghadiri ibadah, kiranya niat dan kerinduan saudara untuk beribadah Minggu jangan luntur. Saudara bisa memulai ibadah bersama dengan anggota keluarga kecil atau dengan saudara sekantor dengan formulasi liturgi sederhana. Hubungi anggota majelis gereja atau pendeta setempat untuk menyediakan tata ibadah sederhana dengan bacaan Minggunya. Jangan lupa juga menyediakan persembahan yang saudara dapat teruskan kepada persekutuan gereja saudara atau jemaat lokal. Percayalah bahwa dalam persekutuan ibadah sekecil apapun, Tuhan Yesus selalu datang memberkati umatNya. Tuhan memberkati saudara dalam pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan kejujuran.
Khotbah Keluaran 20:1-11
Sidang jemaat yang dikasihi Allah,
Pagi hari ini Firman Allah yang diperdengarkan berbicara hukum Allah bagi umat Tuhan saat mereka datang menyembah dan mempermuliakan Allah. Ibadah kepada Allah menjadi tuntutan mutlak sebab umat menjadi umat pilihan Allah; umat kesayangan Allah; umat yang diberkati. Konsekuensi atas keistimewaan umat, menjadikan mereka berkewajiban memuliakan Tuhan Allah mulai dari sikap hati, komitmen, dan disiplin rohani dalam menyembah Tuhan Allah dalam hidup pribadi, keluarga dan persekutuan.
Penyembahan ibadah yang sejati harus dimulai dari pengakuan terhadap Allah yang berkarya; Allah yang menyelamatkan hidup umat dari penderitaan dan bahaya maut. Tindakan-tindakan Allah yang menyelamatkan benar-benar dialami umat Allah saat bangsa Israel keluar dari Mesir dan dituntun menuju tanah perjanjian. Pengakuan iman tentang Allah yang disembah, menjadikan umat menyadari dan mengalami persekutuan yang benar dengan Tuhan Allah. Iman mereka kepada Allah adalah iman yang hidup; iman yang aktual; iman yang benar-benar dialami setiap hari dan sepanjang hidup mereka.
Dengan pengakuan iman demikian, maka Allah menjadi Allah pribadi yang tidak dapat digantikan dengan ilah yang lain. Penyembahan kepada Allah yang satu adalah bukti bahwa kepercayaan lain tidak ada bandingan dan maknanya bagi kehidupan umat. Kecemburuan Allah jika umat berpaling padaNya, mencerminkan kehendak Allah agar umat tidak mendua hati dalam beribadah kepadaNya. Penyembahan berhala jelas ditolak dan menyakiti hati Allah. Murka Allah kepada mereka yang tidak setia, menunjukkan bahwa Allah berdaulat dan berkuasa menghukum dan memberkati umat. Sebaliknya, jika umat setia, maka kasih Allah dilimpahkan kepada mereka yang berpegang pada perintahNya. Kasih Allah itu berkelimpahan sehingga seluruh umat mengalami pemeliharaan dan berkat-berkatNya.
Ekspresi kehidupan umat kepada Allah tidak hanya dalam pengakuan iman, tetapi juga dalam kesaksian mereka dihadapan orang lain. Pernyataan-pernyatan tentang penghormatan umat kepada Allah berarti menjaga sikap dan tutur kata yang penuh hormat terhadap nama Tuhan Allah yang disembah. Menyebut nama Tuhan Allah dengan sembarangan; dengan asal saja; dengan ceroboh dan teledor, bukanlah perkara biasa. Ini adalah kesalahan yang fatal. Bukankah sering orang bersumpah dalam kemarahannya demi nama Tuhan Allah? Atau, orang mengumpat dan memaki orang lain dengan membawa nama Yang Maha Kuasa? Bisa jadi ada orang yang menipu orang lain dengan membawa nama Tuhan Allah supaya orang terbius dan memberikan hartanya?
Dengan menghormati nama Tuhan Allah lewat tutur kata; lewat ucapan-ucapan, maka kita bisa menguduskan namaNya lewat persekutuan bersama di dalam rumah Allah. Kita bersama beribadah tiap hari Minggu sebagai ucapan syukur dan sukacita karena kebangkitan Yesus dari kematian dan sekaligus komitmen kita hidup sesuai Firman Allah. Mengingat dan menguduskan hari Tuhan, menjadi perkara indah buat umat yang diselamatkan. Hidup yang dianugerahkan Allah mengandung berkat setiap harinya termasuk saat kita beribadah pada hari Minggu.
Enam hari Tuhan berikan kita untuk bekerja; berusaha; mengejar karir; membangun cita-cita dan masa depan; dan satu hari yang dikuduskan diberikan agar kita memuji namaNya; mengucap syukur bagi Allah; memohon pengampunan dan belas kasihan; mendapat pengajaran Firman; bersehati dalam doa bersama; berbagi berkat untuk pelayanan dan kesaksian gereja dan menikmati berkat-berkat Allah dalam ibadah Minggu. Betapa Allah menghendaki kita hidup dalam keseimbangan yang membuat kita menjadi manusia yang mengasihi Sang Pencipta. Kerja ada batasnya agar kita diperbaharui; dihibur; dikuatkan; dan dipulihkan dalam persekutuan dengan Tuhan Allah. Tuhan Yesus sendiri mengundang kita untuk datang kepadaNya saat kita berbeban berat dan letih lesu agar kita diberi kelegaan; diberi sukacita dan damai sejahtera. (Lihat Matius 11:28)
Sebagai umat Allah, kita pun diingatkan untuk selalu berpegang dan setia kepada Tuhan Yesus. Tuhan Yesus yang sudah mati tersalib dan menganugerahkan kehidupan kekal. Karya keselamatan Tuhan Yesus ini perlu diyukuri dan membuat kita bersukacita setiap hari. Karena itu senantiasalah kita berdoa dan memuji nama Tuhan Yesus. Berilah waktu saudara untuk selalu memuji namaNya setiap hari dan selalu bergumul bersama Tuhan Yesus saat saudara diperhadapkan dengan kesusahan dan persoalan hidup. Buanglah kuasa-kuasa kegelapan dalam hidup saudara dan jangan jadikan kepandaian dan harta saudara sebagai berhala dalam hati dan pikiran saudara. Jika kita mengasihi Tuhan Yesus, kita selalu rindu bersekutu bersama dengan saudara-saudara seiman kita. Bersukacitalah setiap beribadah dan pulanglah dengan membawa damai sejahtera Tuhan. Dengan hati yang bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus, kita meyakini berkat-berkatNya selalu mengikuti dan yang membuat kita berpengharapan dalam hidup ini. Tuhan Yesus memberkati kita yang beribadah dan setia berpegang pada FirmanNya. Amin.
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Doa Lima Jari
1. Jari jempol adalah jari yang terdekat dengan diri kita. Jadi mulailah berdoa bagi mereka yang paling dekat dengan dirimu. Berdoa buat orang yang kita kasihi, seperti kata C.S. Lewis, adalah 'tugas yang manis'.
2. Jari yang berikut adalah jari telunjuk. Berdoalah buat mereka yang mengajar, memerintah dan menyelamatkan. Mereka adalah guru, dokter dan pelayan Tuhan. Mereka butuh dukungan dan hikmat dalam memerintah orang lain dengan petunjuk benar.
3. Jari berikut adalah jari yang tertinggi. Kita diingatkan berdoa bagi pemimpin kita seperti presiden, pemimpin bisnis dan industri serta pengambil kebijakan.Mereka ini yang membentuk bangsa kita dan memandu opini publik. Mereka butuh bimbingan Tuhan dalam tugasnya.
4. Jari keempat adalah jari manis. Ini jari yang paling lemah. Kita diingatkan berdoa bagi mereka yang lemah, dalam kesusahan dan penderitaan. Mereka butuh didoakan siang dan malam.
5. Yang terakhir adalah jari terkecil dari semua jari. Kita diingatkan menempatkan diri kita dalam relasi dengan Allah dan sesama. Injil mengatakan "yang terkecil di antara kamu adalah yang terbesar. Jari kelingking mengingatkan kita untuk juga mendoakan diri kita sendiri
Dengan mendoakan empat kelompok yang lain, kita dapat menempatkan kebutuhan kita dalam perspektif yang benar dan kita mampu berdoa dengan efektif bagi diri sendiri
Disadur dari
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Khotbah Efesus 2:1-7
Hanya oleh kasih karunia Allah
Saudara-saudara yang dikasihi Allah,
Saudara-saudara yang dikasihi Allah,
Bagaimanakah hidup saudara selama seminggu ini? Saya percaya bahwa saudara dan saya tetap dipelihara dan diberkati Allah. Apakah saudara merasakan dan mengalami terus kasih karunia Allah yang menyelamatkan itu dalam karir saudara, dalam bisnis saudara, dalam rencana-rencana saudara, dalam hidup anak-anak saudara, dalam keluarga saudara dan dalam hidup persekutuan kita? Kiranya dengan penuh sukacita dan ucapan syukur kita bisa berkata bahwa benar, Tuhan mengasihi dan memberkati kami dengan cara yang luar biasa dan ajaib.
Bacaan Alkitab kita hari ini menjelaskan bahwa kasih karunia Allah didalam Yesus Kristus telah menjadikan kita manusia yang diperbaharui Allah. Karena kematian dan kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus, kesalahan dan dosa kita diampuni Allah. Kita tidak lagi hidup dalam penghukuman dan murka Allah. Sekarang kita hidup dalam kasih karunia Allah yang menjadikan kita ahli waris Kerajaan Sorga.
Rasul Paulus dengan keyakinan kuat menjelaskan dalam suratnya kepada jemaat Efesus bahwa karya keselamatan Allah itu hanya dapat dimengerti dengan pertolongan kuasa Roh Kudus yang dijanjikan Allah dalam hidup orang percaya (1:13-14). Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus, maka kita dapat mengerti kasih karunia Allah dengan benar. Kuasa Roh Kudus juga yang menjadikan mata hati kita terang melihat pengharapan yang dijanjikan Allah dan bagaimana kuasa Allah hadir memberkati umatNya (1:17-19).
Kasih karunia Allah yang menyelamatkan itu harus direspon dengan pujian dan ucapan syukur kepada Allah (1:3, 16). Kasih karunia Allah yang kita terima secara pribadi maupun dalam persekutuan kita sebagai saudara-saudara seiman. Tanpa kasih karunia Allah, hidup kita sudah mati secara rohani dan binasa pada hari penghukuman Allah (2:1,3). Tabiat manusia yang gemar melanggar dan berdosa melawan kehendak Allah terjadi karena kelemahan daging dengan segala hawa nafsunya sehingga manusia melakukan yang jahat dan takluk kepada roh-roh kegelapan. (1:2-3)
Tidak ada cara apapun yang dapat membuat manusia lolos dari hukuman dan murka Allah. Keselamatan dan hidup kekal dalam Kerajaan sorga hanyalah kasih karunia Allah dalam iman kepada Yesus Kristus yang mati dan bangkit. Dalam kasih karunia Allah itu, orang percaya menghadapi masa depannya tidak dengan rasa kuatir, bimbang dan takut, melainkan dengan kepastian dan keyakinan teguh bahwa Allah senantiasa memberkati hidup mereka dengan berlimpah. Kekayaan kasih karunia Allah diberikan terus-menerus karena Allah menyatakan kebaikanNya yang besar agar tetap bersyukur dan memuji namaNya.
Firman Allah hari ini hendak menyegarkan pemahaman dan pengertian kita agar kita selalu mengucap syukur dan memuji Tuhan Yesus karena Dia telah menyelamatkan kita dari murka Allah dan kebinasaan kekal. Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus yang dianugerahkan maka kita mau semakin mengasihi Tuhan Yesus dengan sepenuh hati dan menyatakan kasih Allah kepada setiap orang yang kita jumpai. Hidup dalam kasih karunia Allah yang menjadikan kita dapat berdoa, beribadah, bekerja dengan jujur, menghibur dan mengampuni saudara kita yang lemah. Hidup dalam kasih karunia Allah berarti kita tidak hidup untuk diri kita sendiri dan suka menghakimi hidup orang lain. Hidup dalam kasih karunia Allah menjadikan kita sadar bahwa pertobatan membutuhkan kuasa Roh Kudus. Kita perlu memohon campur tangan Allah dengan kuasa RohNya agar mereka yang kita kasihi dapat meninggalkan yang jahat dan hidup dalam kebaikan Allah.
Kasih karunia Allah yang berlaku dalam hidup kita, membuat kita melihat masa depan dengan mata hati yang terang; mata hati yang dibimbing dengan Roh Kudus sehingga kita percaya berkat-berkat Allah yang berlimpah menyertai dan menaungi hidup kita selamanya. Saudara dan saya harus memelihara keyakinan yang teguh bahwa kebaikan Allah itu berlimpah sepanjang kehidupan ini. Tuhan Yesus menjadi sumber berkat kita setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan bahkan sepanjang tahun-tahun yang diberikannya.
Mengapa saudara mengeluh, bersunggut-sunggut dan selalu menyalahkan orang lain? Mengapa saudara memandang diri saudara tidak berguna, dan negatif? Mengapa saudara sukar untuk mengasihi kelarga saudara dengan tulus? Mengapa saudara menganggap diri saudara benar sehingga saudara menjadi eksklusif? Jika semua itu terjadi, maka betapa memang kelemahan daging dan hawa nafsu begitu kuat menguasai hati dan pikiran kita. Kita perlu datang kepada Allah agar dengan iman kepadanya maka dicurahkan kasih karunia Allah yang memberkati hidup kita. Rasul Paulus mengatakan kasih karunia itu adalah pemberian Allah dan bukan karena usaha kita (2:8).
Allah dengan kasih karuniaNya sangat mengasihi kita dan mau kita hidup dalam berkat-berkatNya yang berlimpah. Saudara tidak bisa membangun masa depan saudara dengan kekuatan sendiri; saudara tidak bisa mengatasi ketakutan dan kekuatiran saudara dengan kepandaian saudara; saudara tidak dapat menyelesaikan pergumulan saudara dengan kemampuan-kemampuan pribadi saudara. Saudara dan saya hanya dapat datang kepada Tuhan Yesus. Memohon belas kasihanNya; memohon kasih karuniaNya yang berlimpah.
Jadi hiduplah dalam kasih karunia Allah dan janganlah memegahkan diri jika hidup kita diberkati (2:9). Dalam konteks persekutuan, kita mengalami kasih karunia Allah yang berlimpah. Pada minggu pertama bulan Juni kita segera pindah ke tempat ibadah yang baru: ruko THB no. 18. Allah menyatakan kebaikan dan kasih karuniaNya kepada kita semua. Dengan iman kita percaya tidak ada perkara yang mustahil (Matius 9:29). Karenanya kita patut bersukur dan memuji namaNya karena doa dan pergumulan kita dijawab Allah. Mari jemaat Tuhan, kita satukan hati dan pikiran kita untuk bersyukur dan memuji namaNya karena kebaikan Allah berlimpah dalam hidup persekutuan kita. Amin.
Khotbah Minggu, 22 Mei 2011 GPIB Pondok Ungu
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
3 Things People Hate to Tell You About Your Preaching
After the dinner, the speaker and master of ceremonies were standing in the lobby greeting the people who had attended. A six-year-old boy ran up to the speaker and said, “Your speech stunk.” Embarrassed, the master of ceremonies asked the boy to run along. But the boy ran right up to the speaker again and said, “We’ve heard all your jokes before; they’re not even funny.” Embarrassed, the master of ceremonies again asked the boy to run along. But he ran right up to the speaker again and said, “I bet you they never invite you back.” Just then the boy’s mother, who was standing a short distance away, saw what was happening. She ran up to the speaker and quickly said, “Please forgive my son. I have no idea what he said to you. But he is only six years old, and he is just at the age where he repeats what everyone else says.”
Not everyone will tell you how they feel about your preaching, even though it could be most helpful if they did. However, they often express how they feel to their mates or closest friends. Undoubtedly, they’d have several good things to say, but they might also express a few frustrations. Listen and learn from those frustrations, and you’ll be a better preacher.
“You Talk Too Long.”
They are the kind of couple any pastor would crave to have in his church. An extremely godly couple, they volunteer throughout the church, serve on church committees, and go on short-term mission trips. As we interacted across the table, she said to me, “I love our pastor. His messages help me. I just wish he didn’t talk so long. I just can’t handle fifty-minute messages.”
Few people can. A person’s attention span is normally thirty minutes. The amount one retains after thirty minutes is vastly different than the amount retained before thirty minutes. It doesn’t matter how good a communicator is; go beyond thirty minutes and people start looking at their watches, thinking about their calendar for the next week, or reflecting on the events of last week. Besides, how would you prefer to have people leave? Saying, “I wish he would have spoken longer,” or saying, “I wish he would have stopped sooner.” If they wished you had spoken longer, they will probably come back to hear you again. That’s exactly what you want them to do – come back again and again and again. Thirty-minute messages will ensure this a lot more than fifty-minute messages will. I often remind preachers that God has called them to preach on eternity; he has not called them to preach for eternity.
“You Talk Too Much About Yourself.”
One person said of a noted speaker, “I enjoy listening to him, but too many of his stories are about himself, his wife, and his children. Eventually, I get tired of hearing about them.”
A certain amount of information about your family can be helpful, especially when you show struggles you’ve had as a family. Audiences need to know that your family isn’t perfect either. Transparency helps, but too much of it comes across as self-centered. Instead of asking me to come into your world, it’s important you step into mine.
When you purposefully and anonymously share conversations about people who don’t live behind the same walls you do, two things strike me: one is that you are “other-centered,” not self-centered. A second is that you enjoy people, even those who are not part of your immediate family. You come across as a speaker who cares. So if I want to ask you a question about a struggle I’m going through, you appear to have the interest and time to talk. You’ve struck me as an “other” centered person.
“Your Messages Are Too Dry.”
A pastor called a woman who had not been to church for some time and asked, “Where have you been?” She replied, “Well, you know how it is. The kids have been sick, and then it’s just rained, rained, rained, rained.” He said to her, “Why don’t you come to church? It’s always dry there.” She said, “Yes, in fact that is another reason I have not been coming. It’s just so dry there.”
When people come to church, they need to be refreshed. The last week has been difficult. They want to know how to get through the next week. Dry messages don’t help them; ones that invigorate them do.
Three things help to liven up a message:
Illustrations. People love stories. True-to-life ones that happen on the sidewalk, in the café, in the workplace, and in the home capture my attention. Stories taken from newspapers, magazines, TV shows, and the movie theatre enliven me and get my attention. I’m not talking about stories for stories’ sake, but stories for the sake of biblical illustration. Illustrate what you’re speaking on from the Scripture with something so real, I feel like I was there and saw it taking place. This is why speakers who are interesting to listen to don’t just study the Bible; they also glance at the newspaper.
Humor. Some of the illustrations need to contain humor. I travel across the country, and people constantly tell me about the speakers they enjoy. When I delve into why they enjoy them, they often remark, “He has a great sense of humor. He makes me laugh.” People want to laugh and need something to laugh about. This doesn’t mean you need to be a stand-up comic; God has called you to be a communicator, not a clown. But part of effective communication is the use of humor. Because people enjoy humor so much, it’s an essential part of growing churches by conversion. Thom Rainer, in his book Surprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to Reach Them, comments, “‘I tell you,’ an opinionated pastor told us, ‘You find a church that’s reaching people, you’ll find a church that laughs together.’”
Passion. If what you are saying doesn’t excite you, it is not apt to excite me. It’s more apt to put me to sleep. By the same token, I’ve never heard of a sermon given out of excitement that people called “dry.” Again, don’t misunderstand: people are not expecting you to be a “life of the party” person. But they must know that what you’re speaking about has grabbed hold of you, and you are passionate that it needs to grab hold of them. You are so passionate about what you’re saying, I get the idea you can’t wait to say it.
Now put yourself in the shoes of those who listen to you every Sunday. Consider again these three items: “You talk too long. You talk too much about yourself. Your messages are so dry.” If these characterize you, those who respect you may not want to share these three things for fear of hurting your feelings. Work on changing these three things, and you will see the results firsthand. Those who come will be eager to come back. You might even hear them say, “I don’t like it when we’re gone on vacation. I miss hearing you.”
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Empat Istri
Ia paling mengasihi istrinya yang keempat dan menghiasinya dengan jubah yang mewah dan menjamunya dengan makanan-makanan yang mahal dan enak. Ia memberikan hanya yang terbaik kepadanya.
Ia juga sangat mengasihi istrinya yang ketiga dan selalu mempamerkannya ke kerajaan-kerajaan tetangga. Tetapi sang Raja selalu merasa khawatir bahwa suatu hari nanti, istrinya ini akan meninggalkannya dan menjadi milik orang lain.
Ia juga mengasihi istrinya yang kedua. Istri ini merupakan tempatnya mengadu dan istrinya ini selalu baik, bertimbang rasa dan sabar. Setiap kali Sang Raja menghadapi masalah, ia selalu akan berbincang dengan istri kedua ini dan istrinya akan membantunya di saat-saat kesulitannya.
Istri pertama Sang Raja merupakan istri yang sangat setia dan telah banyak membantunya dalam pengurusan harta dan kerajaannya. Tetapi, sang Raja tidak mengasihi istri pertamanya. Walaupun istri pertamanya sangat mengasihinya, tetapi sang Raja nyaris tidak pernah memberinya perhatian!
Suatu hari, sang Raja jatuh sakit dan tahu bahwa tidak banyak waktu yang tersisa. Ia memikirkan hidupnya yang mewah dan berkata, "Saya sekarang mempunyai empat istri, tetapi saat saya mati, saya akan sendirian".
Lalu, ia bertanya ke istrinya yang keempat, "Aku paling mengasihi kamu. Aku membelikan pakaian yang termahal dan melimpahi kamu dengan begitu banyak perhatian. Sekarang sudah tiba waktunya aku meninggalkan dunia ini, maukah kamu mengikuti aku untuk menemani aku?"
"Tidak mungkin!", jawab istrinya yang keempat, dan tanpa sepatah kata pun istrinya meninggalkannya. Jawabannya begitu mengiris hati sang Raja.
Raja yang sedang kecewa itu kemudian bertanya ke istrinya yang ketiga, "Seumur hidupku, aku mengasihi-mu. Sekarang aku akan segera mati, maukah kamu mengikuti aku untuk menemani-ku?"
"Tidak!", jawab istrinya yang ketiga. "Hidup ini terlalu bagus! Saat engkau mati, aku akan nikah lagi!" Hatinya remuk dan menjadi dingin.
Lalu, sang Raja bertanya kepada istrinya yang kedua, "Kamulah tempat aku mengadu dan kamu selalu siap membantu-ku. Saat aku mati, maukah kamu mengikuti aku dan menemani-ku?"
"Aku minta maaf, kali ini aku tidak dapat membantu-mu", jawab istrinya yang kedua. "Paling, aku akan berjalan bersama-mu ke tempat penguburan." Jawaban istrinya yang kedua seperti petir yang menyambar hatinya dan hati sang Raja menjadi sangat sedih dan hancur.
Lalu, suatu suara berseru, "Aku akan pergi bersama-mu. Aku akan mengikuti-mu tidak kira ke mana pun." Raja itu mengangkat kepalanya dan melihat istrinya yang pertama. Ia melihat keadaan istrinya yang sangat kurus dan sangat tidak terawat karena menderita kekurangan gizi. Dengan hati yang sangat sedih, sang Raja berkata, "Seharusnya aku lebih memperhatikan kamu ketika aku masih sempat!"
Sebenarnya, kita semua memiliki empat istri di dalam hidup kita.
Istri keempat kita adalah tubuh kita. Tidak kira sebanyak mana waktu dan usaha kita investasikan untuk menjaga penampilan kita, tubuh ini akan meninggalkan kita saat kita mati.
Istri kita yang ketiga adalah harta milik, status dan kekayaan. Saat kita mati, harta kita akan menjadi milik orang lain.
Istri kedua kita adalah keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat kita. Walaupun mereka selalu membantu kita selama kita hidup tetapi mereka hanya dapat menemani kita sampai ke tempat penguburan dan tidak lebih dari itu.
Istri pertama kita adalah Jiwa kita. Jiwa kita yang sering kita abaikan dalam pengejaran kita akan kekayaan, kekuasaan dan kenikmatan dunia. Tetapi, Jiwa kita merupakan satu-satunya hal yang akan mengikuti kita ke mana pun kita pergi.
Pupuklah, kuatkanlah dan hargailah jiwa kita saat ini juga, karena jiwa kitalah satu-satunya bagian kita yang akan mengikuti kita ke takhta Allah dan terus menyertai kita di sepanjang kekekalan!
Dikutip dari dan diterjemahkan oleh redaktur.
Minggu, 08 Mei 2011
Eight Reasons to Use Technology During Worship
Eight Reasons to Use Technology During Worship - What you ought to
consider before bringing multimedia into the sanctuary.
The following excellent article by Quentin J. Schultze is taken from FaithVisuals, and is well worth a read.
A lot of churches have started to use multimedia technology in their services. But what often gets lost in the rush to have "the next great thing" is the question "why?" What will necessarily be gained and lost by incorporating multimedia into our services?
1. We want to keep our young people interested in worship.
In our survey, three-quarters of churches said they began using visual media technologies in worship to achieve "better relevance" for youth. But who are we kidding when it comes to the average congregation keeping youth involved in church by importing flashy presentations into liturgical practices? Most of our productions will be second-rate compared with popular culture—unless we limit our efforts to what is appropriate for worship and what we can do well.
To the extent that presentational technologies are fitting for parts of your liturgy, why not involve congregational youth in the planning, training, and use of such technologies? Some young people have skill and experience when it comes to designing computer graphics, editing videotapes, and using presentational software. One of the strengths of high-tech churches is that they tend to be more open to the gifts and talents of younger members.
2. It's time to boost the quality of congregational singing.
Contemporary worship music is melody driven and relatively easy to sing. I have heard repeatedly from advocates that this music, when projected on a screen, stimulates congregations to sing vibrantly.
So far this probably has been the greatest benefit of using presentational technologies in worship. If the rest of the liturgy is untouched, however, will members sing more enthusiastically just because words are on a screen and hands are free to be raised? Not always, because each congregation has its own, long-existing culture influenced by ethnicity, neighborhood, age, and the like. We should use new music when it is doctrinally sound, leads people to praise God, and helps to form the parishioners into Gods obedient people.
3. We need to change with the culture or we will lose members to other churches.
It's time to embrace the twenty-first century, or so the argument goes. Churches that fail to adopt new worship technologies will become dinosaurs—extraneous to the broader culture. High-tech is the future, whether we like it or not. Since some people prefer worship that includes more technology, this is probably a legitimate concern. Nevertheless, each congregation has to discover its route to faithfulness, given its distinctive history, local community, and available gifts and talents. The twenty-first century will not look the same for all congregations. Nor should it.
4. We have to create more powerful worship experiences.
An overly enthusiastic desire to use technology to create a powerful worship experience can too easily lead a church to a darkly utilitarian view of worship. Simplistic ends—like an emotional high or a feel-good experience—do not justify technological means.
Worship is not meant to hinge on individual or collective experience, but to focus our attention on what God has done, is doing, and has promised to do in the world. Ultimately, liturgy is the work of God's grace in our lives, not our techniques for creating experiences.
5. We want to let visitors and members know that we are a first- rate church.
This rationale rightly suggests that believers ought to attend to the impression that their worship facilities, services, and technologies give to the wider world.
A goal of being first-rate technologically, without a commitment to worship per se, is not a sign of godly progress. If a church brags about its investment in presentational technologies, but its presentations could be done almost as well with hundreds of thousands of dollars less, something is fundamentally wrong. Why not impress people with the quality of worship and the richness of congregational life—with or without high-tech methods?
6. Without using new technologies, we will not be able to increase the size of our congregation.
This is a knotty rationale to address, because larger, wealthy congregations often have all kinds of other things going for them: greater word of mouth (the best church "advertising" there is), higher visibility locations, a less threatening environment because of being able to visit anonymously, a larger and more skilled technology staff, paid worship leaders and sometimes even musicians, psychological momentum, and more.
Smaller churches are not as likely to use advanced technologies well, partly because they do not have the resources or expertise and partly because they sometimes overestimate their own capabilities.
Numerical congregational growth is a thorny criterion. Depending on what else comes with it, it could be blessing or bane to good worship.
7. Presentational technologies will allow us to expand our worship space.
This rationale carries considerable weight, because all churches should consider the visual and aural aspects of worship space. If a church is growing numerically, a time will come when its existing worship space will not be adequate.
Technology can expand the spatial scale of worship with enhanced visual and aural clarity, but technologies cannot guarantee that congregants will be a church, only that they can do church.
Regardless of how much presentational technology a congregation implements, a church has to use the technology to counter mainstream culture, which defines public events in terms of consumption rather than participation.
8. New technologies offer us a means of serving members of our congregations who are hard of hearing or have difficulty seeing.
This alone is a solid argument in favor of incorporating presentational technology in worship. As followers of Jesus Christ we need to think seriously about how new technologies can serve those in our churches who have special needs. To bring them more fully into corporate worship is a laudatory goal.
It is one thing to improve only marginally the quality of worship for everyone in a congregation and something far greater to include in the liturgical dialogue people who are otherwise unable to participate well or fully.
—Quentin J. Schultze, High-Tech Worship (Baker, 2004). Pages 53-60.
Used by permission of Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, copyright © 2004.
consider before bringing multimedia into the sanctuary.
The following excellent article by Quentin J. Schultze is taken from FaithVisuals, and is well worth a read.
A lot of churches have started to use multimedia technology in their services. But what often gets lost in the rush to have "the next great thing" is the question "why?" What will necessarily be gained and lost by incorporating multimedia into our services?
1. We want to keep our young people interested in worship.
In our survey, three-quarters of churches said they began using visual media technologies in worship to achieve "better relevance" for youth. But who are we kidding when it comes to the average congregation keeping youth involved in church by importing flashy presentations into liturgical practices? Most of our productions will be second-rate compared with popular culture—unless we limit our efforts to what is appropriate for worship and what we can do well.
To the extent that presentational technologies are fitting for parts of your liturgy, why not involve congregational youth in the planning, training, and use of such technologies? Some young people have skill and experience when it comes to designing computer graphics, editing videotapes, and using presentational software. One of the strengths of high-tech churches is that they tend to be more open to the gifts and talents of younger members.
2. It's time to boost the quality of congregational singing.
Contemporary worship music is melody driven and relatively easy to sing. I have heard repeatedly from advocates that this music, when projected on a screen, stimulates congregations to sing vibrantly.
So far this probably has been the greatest benefit of using presentational technologies in worship. If the rest of the liturgy is untouched, however, will members sing more enthusiastically just because words are on a screen and hands are free to be raised? Not always, because each congregation has its own, long-existing culture influenced by ethnicity, neighborhood, age, and the like. We should use new music when it is doctrinally sound, leads people to praise God, and helps to form the parishioners into Gods obedient people.
3. We need to change with the culture or we will lose members to other churches.
It's time to embrace the twenty-first century, or so the argument goes. Churches that fail to adopt new worship technologies will become dinosaurs—extraneous to the broader culture. High-tech is the future, whether we like it or not. Since some people prefer worship that includes more technology, this is probably a legitimate concern. Nevertheless, each congregation has to discover its route to faithfulness, given its distinctive history, local community, and available gifts and talents. The twenty-first century will not look the same for all congregations. Nor should it.
4. We have to create more powerful worship experiences.
An overly enthusiastic desire to use technology to create a powerful worship experience can too easily lead a church to a darkly utilitarian view of worship. Simplistic ends—like an emotional high or a feel-good experience—do not justify technological means.
Worship is not meant to hinge on individual or collective experience, but to focus our attention on what God has done, is doing, and has promised to do in the world. Ultimately, liturgy is the work of God's grace in our lives, not our techniques for creating experiences.
5. We want to let visitors and members know that we are a first- rate church.
This rationale rightly suggests that believers ought to attend to the impression that their worship facilities, services, and technologies give to the wider world.
A goal of being first-rate technologically, without a commitment to worship per se, is not a sign of godly progress. If a church brags about its investment in presentational technologies, but its presentations could be done almost as well with hundreds of thousands of dollars less, something is fundamentally wrong. Why not impress people with the quality of worship and the richness of congregational life—with or without high-tech methods?
6. Without using new technologies, we will not be able to increase the size of our congregation.
This is a knotty rationale to address, because larger, wealthy congregations often have all kinds of other things going for them: greater word of mouth (the best church "advertising" there is), higher visibility locations, a less threatening environment because of being able to visit anonymously, a larger and more skilled technology staff, paid worship leaders and sometimes even musicians, psychological momentum, and more.
Smaller churches are not as likely to use advanced technologies well, partly because they do not have the resources or expertise and partly because they sometimes overestimate their own capabilities.
Numerical congregational growth is a thorny criterion. Depending on what else comes with it, it could be blessing or bane to good worship.
7. Presentational technologies will allow us to expand our worship space.
This rationale carries considerable weight, because all churches should consider the visual and aural aspects of worship space. If a church is growing numerically, a time will come when its existing worship space will not be adequate.
Technology can expand the spatial scale of worship with enhanced visual and aural clarity, but technologies cannot guarantee that congregants will be a church, only that they can do church.
Regardless of how much presentational technology a congregation implements, a church has to use the technology to counter mainstream culture, which defines public events in terms of consumption rather than participation.
8. New technologies offer us a means of serving members of our congregations who are hard of hearing or have difficulty seeing.
This alone is a solid argument in favor of incorporating presentational technology in worship. As followers of Jesus Christ we need to think seriously about how new technologies can serve those in our churches who have special needs. To bring them more fully into corporate worship is a laudatory goal.
It is one thing to improve only marginally the quality of worship for everyone in a congregation and something far greater to include in the liturgical dialogue people who are otherwise unable to participate well or fully.
—Quentin J. Schultze, High-Tech Worship (Baker, 2004). Pages 53-60.
Used by permission of Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, copyright © 2004.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Lord's Prayer Drama
Lord's Prayer Drama
God (unseen)
Stage Setting
No particular setting is necessary, but it is good if the person could sit on a chair and lean on a table that has a Bible on it.
Person: Our Father, who...
God: Yes?
Person: Don't interrupt me! I'm praying.
God: But you called me.
Person: Called you? I didn't call you. I was praying. Our Father who art in heaven...
God: There, you did it again.
Person:Did what?
God: Called me. You said, "Our Father who art in heaven." Here I am. What's on your mind?
Person: But I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's Prayer. It makes me feel good, sort of like getting a job done.
God: All right. Go on.
Person: Hallowed be thy name...
God: Hold it! What do you mean by that?
Person: By what?
God: By "hallowed be thy name"?
Person: It means.... Good grief! How should I know what it means? It's just part of the prayer. (pause) By the way, what does it mean?
God: It means honoured, holy, wonderful.
Person: Ah, that makes sense. I never thought about what hallowed meant before. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
God: Do you really mean that?
Person: Of course! Why not?
God: What are you going to do about it?
Person: Do? Nothing, I suppose. I just think it would be rather good it you got control of things down here the way you have up there.
God: Have I got control of you?
Person: Well, I go to church.
God: That isn't what I asked you. What about that bad temper? You've really got a problem there you know!
Person: Stop picking on me! I'm just as good as some of those hypocrites down at the church!
God: Excuse me, but I thought you were praying for my will to be done? If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones who are praying for it. Like you, for example.
Person: Oh, all right! I guess I do have a few hang-ups. Now that you mention it, I probably could name some others.
God: So could I.
Person: I haven't thought about it much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things. I really would like to know how to be free.
God: Good! Now we're getting somewhere! We'll work together, you and I. Some real victories can be won. I'm proud of you!
Person: Look, Lord, I need to finish this up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does! Give us this day our daily bread.
God: You need to cut out the bread you're a little overweight as it is!
Person: Hey! Wait a minute! What is this? Here I am doing my religious duty and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my faults!
God: Praying is a dangerous thing. You could end up changed, you know. That's what I'm trying to bring across to you. You called me, and here I am. It's too late to stop now. Keep on praying. I'm interested in the next part of your prayer. (Pause) Well. go on!
Person: I'm scared to...
God: Scared of what?
Person: I know what you'll say!
God: Try me and see.
Person: Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.
God: What about Peter Brown?
Person: See! I knew you would bring him up! Why, Lord he told lies about me, and he cheated me out of some money. I swear that I'll get even with him.
God: But your prayer. What about your prayer?
Person: I didn't mean it.
God: Well, at least you're honest! But it's not much fun carrying around that load of bitterness inside, is it?
Person: No, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even! Have I got some plans for old Peter!
God: You won't feel any better. You'll feel worse. Revenge isn't sweet. Think of how unhappy you really are. But I'll change all that.
Person: You will? How?
God: Forgive Peter. Then I'll forgive you. Then the hate and sin will be Peter's problem and not yours. You may lose the money, but you will have settled your heart.
Person: It doesn't sound easy, but deep down, I know it would be worth the effort. Thank you, Lord, for helping me work through this. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. AMEN.
This document copyright (c)1995 by Mathew Pole. Reproduction and/or distribution for non-commercial purposes is permissible providing that the drama is left fully intact. Permission is given to modify the drama for personal use, under the condition that the changes are not redistributed. Please send additions or corrections to Mathew and Paulyn Pole (
Last changed: Saturday 12 August 1995
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Kebebasan Beragama
Pernyataan Sikap Bersama Terhadap Kebebasan Beribadah
Forum Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Hentikan Diskriminasi dan Berikan Kebebasan Beribadah Terhadap Jemaat GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin
Sejak tanggal 10 April 2010, Jemaat Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Bakal Pos (Bapos) Taman Yasmin Bogor terpaksa beribadah di trotoar gerejanya sendiri. Padahal keabsahan pendirian gereja telah dikukuhkan oleh pengadilan sejak tahun 2009. Namun desakan dan tuntutan kelompok-kelompok intoleran yang menyebarkan fitnah dan kebencian pada gereja membuat Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) dan Kepolisian Bogor tunduk pada tuntutan tersebut dan malah menggembok gereja. Bahkan ketika Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia semakin mengukuhkan keabsahan IMB gereja GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin Bogor dengan Putusan No.127 PK/TUN/2009 yang dikeluarkan pada tanggal 9 Desember 2010, PemkotBogor dan Kepolisian Kota Bogor hingga saat ini tetap melarang umat GKI Taman Yasmin beribadah termasuk melarang umat GKI merayakan Natal 25 Desember 2010 lalu di dalam gereja. Padahal, Putusan MA tersebut berisi putusan yang menyatakan bahwa permohonan Peninjauan Kembali (PK) yang diajukan Pemkot Bogor tidak dapat diterima (Niet Ontvankelijk Verklaard/NO).
Permisif-nya negara yang acap absen dalam setiap kasus kebebasan beribadah dan berkeyakinan, yang begitu marak sepanjang pemerintahan SBY-Boediono, kami yakini menjadi benih bagi tumbuh suburnya kelompok-kelompok intoleran yang bertujuanmenihilkan keberagaman. Negara justru telah memberikan ruang seluas-luasnya bagi lahirnya kultur intoleransidi Republik ini. Dengan kata lain kultur intoleran yang berujung padakebencian justru lahir dari rahim negara. Diskriminasi dan intimidasi,dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok-kelompok intoleran pada dasarnya bukan hanya serangan pada kelompok minoritas. Mengingat konstitusi negara tidak mengenal istilah mayoritas dan minoritas.
Lebih jauh tindakan intoleran itu juga menyerang landasan ideologi negara yaitu Pancasila dan falsafah negara, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan serangan itu akan berujungpada keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Oleh karena besarnya ancaman terhadap perdamaian dan keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia akibat berbagai kasus diskriminasi berbasis agama yang marak belakangan ini, kami pribadi-pribadi dan kelompok-kelompok LINTAS IMAN pendukung Pancasila, konstitusi yang tergabung dalam Forum Bhineka Tunggal Ika perlu menyampaikan pernyataan sikap bersama kami sebagai berikut:
Forum Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Hentikan Diskriminasi dan Berikan Kebebasan Beribadah Terhadap Jemaat GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin
Sejak tanggal 10 April 2010, Jemaat Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Bakal Pos (Bapos) Taman Yasmin Bogor terpaksa beribadah di trotoar gerejanya sendiri. Padahal keabsahan pendirian gereja telah dikukuhkan oleh pengadilan sejak tahun 2009. Namun desakan dan tuntutan kelompok-kelompok intoleran yang menyebarkan fitnah dan kebencian pada gereja membuat Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) dan Kepolisian Bogor tunduk pada tuntutan tersebut dan malah menggembok gereja. Bahkan ketika Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia semakin mengukuhkan keabsahan IMB gereja GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin Bogor dengan Putusan No.127 PK/TUN/2009 yang dikeluarkan pada tanggal 9 Desember 2010, PemkotBogor dan Kepolisian Kota Bogor hingga saat ini tetap melarang umat GKI Taman Yasmin beribadah termasuk melarang umat GKI merayakan Natal 25 Desember 2010 lalu di dalam gereja. Padahal, Putusan MA tersebut berisi putusan yang menyatakan bahwa permohonan Peninjauan Kembali (PK) yang diajukan Pemkot Bogor tidak dapat diterima (Niet Ontvankelijk Verklaard/NO).
Beragam dalih dikemukakan Pemkot dan Kepolisian Bogor, sejalan dengant untutan kelompok-kelompok intoleran. Mulai dari alasan bahwa Pemkot sedang mengajukan upaya PK (meski permohonanPK tidak menunda eksekusi), belum adanya putusan MA tentang PK, belum diterimanya salinan putusan PK, hingga penggunaan fitnah bahwa IMB gereja diperoleh dengan cara tidak benar, serta isu sensitif pemurtadan atau kristenisasi. Bahkan belakangan, lantaran gereja berdiri disebuah jalan yang mengabadikan nama seorang Tokoh Islam dan Tokoh Kemerdekaan asal Bogor, KH Abdullah bin Nuh, dipakai Walikota Bogor, Diani Budiarto, untuk membangkitkan sentimen kebencian massa pada jemaat GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin Bogor. Tidak cukup dengan itu, melalui sebuah media cetak di Bogor, secara terang-terangan Walikota memaksakan GKI untuk pindah dari Taman Yasmin disertai ancaman kekerasan: Pilih Gereja (ditempat baru) atau PERANG!
Kasus tindakan diskriminasi yang dialamijemaat GKIYasmin adalah satu contohdari maraknyasejumlah kasustindakanintoleran yang terjadi sepanjang pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Mengutip data Setara Institut, sebuah lembagayang concern terhadap persoalan-persoalan kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan menyebutkan, sejak memasuki tahun 2010, eskalasi kekerasan berbasis agama dalam bentuk penyerangan terhadap rumah ibadah, khususnya terhadap jemaat kristiani terus meningkat jika dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Jika pada tahun 2008 terdapat 17 tindakan, pada tahun 2009 terdapat 18 tindakan pelanggaran yang menyasar jemaat kristiani, maka pada tahun 2010 sejak Januari–Juli, tercatat 28 peristiwa pelanggaran kebebasan/berkeyakinan. Pelanggaran-pelanggaran itu mulai dari penolakan pendirian rumah ibadah/gereja, penyegelan rumah ibadah/gereja, pembakaran rumah ibadah/gereja dan penghentian paksa kegiatan ibadah. Lebih jauh, kami juga meyakini rentetankasus-kasus intoleran dipicu oleh ketidakmampuan negara yang diwakili oleh rezim Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dalam memberikan jaminan rasa aman bagi masyarakat selama ini.Begitupermisifnya negara terhadap kelompok-kelompok intoleran dalam kasus-kasus kejahatan kemanusiaan berbasis agama, adalah buktinya. Ironisnya, dalam kasus GKI Yasmin, aparatus negaraturut terlibat aktif menebarancamandan kebencian.
Permisif-nya negara yang acap absen dalam setiap kasus kebebasan beribadah dan berkeyakinan, yang begitu marak sepanjang pemerintahan SBY-Boediono, kami yakini menjadi benih bagi tumbuh suburnya kelompok-kelompok intoleran yang bertujuanmenihilkan keberagaman. Negara justru telah memberikan ruang seluas-luasnya bagi lahirnya kultur intoleransidi Republik ini. Dengan kata lain kultur intoleran yang berujung padakebencian justru lahir dari rahim negara. Diskriminasi dan intimidasi,dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok-kelompok intoleran pada dasarnya bukan hanya serangan pada kelompok minoritas. Mengingat konstitusi negara tidak mengenal istilah mayoritas dan minoritas.
Lebih jauh tindakan intoleran itu juga menyerang landasan ideologi negara yaitu Pancasila dan falsafah negara, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan serangan itu akan berujungpada keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Oleh karena besarnya ancaman terhadap perdamaian dan keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia akibat berbagai kasus diskriminasi berbasis agama yang marak belakangan ini, kami pribadi-pribadi dan kelompok-kelompok LINTAS IMAN pendukung Pancasila, konstitusi yang tergabung dalam Forum Bhineka Tunggal Ika perlu menyampaikan pernyataan sikap bersama kami sebagai berikut:
1. Mendesak Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengambil alih langsung kasus diskriminasi dan intimidasi pada GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin Bogor yang dilakukan oleh kelompok intoleran yang didukung Pemerintah dan Aparat Kepolisian kota Bogor.
2. Mendesak Presiden untuk memerintahkan Walikota dan Kepolisian kota Bogor untuk menghormati dan melaksanakan Putusan MA Nomor 127 PK/TUN/2009 dengan cara memberikan kebebasan beribadah kepada Jemaat GKI Bapos Taman Yasmin dilokasi sebagaimana IMB yang disahkan Pengadilan.
3. Mendesak kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk mengambil alih kepemimpinan gerakan perlawanan terhadap adanya upaya rongrongan kelompokkelompok intoleran yang bertujuan menihilkan keberagaman dengan tujuan mengganti Pancasila sebagai landasan ideologi dan UUD 1945 sebagai landasan Konstitusiunal berbangsa dan bernegara
4. Menyerukan kepada rakyat Indonesia yang kami yakini juga sangat mendukung Pancasila, UUD 1945 dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, untuk senantiasa menjaga perdamaian di negeri kita ini, sekaligus senantiasa menjaga agar sampai selama-lamanya, Indonesia KITA tetap menjadi Rumah Bersama bagi Semua.
Demikian Pernyataan Sikap ini kami buat sebagai kepeduliaan dan keinginan untuk tetap utuhnya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Berhentilah bersolek, bersikap tegaslah. Tunjukkan bahwa Negara memang ada.
Jakarta, 17 April 2011
Forum Bhinneka Tunggal Ika:
Jemaat GKI BaposTamanYasmin, PBHI Jakarta, LBH Jakarta, Kontras, Srikandi Demokrasi Indonesia (SDI), GP Ansor, HKBP Ciketing(Pondok Timur), Aliansi Nasional Bhineka Tunggal Ika (ANBTI), Pengurus Besar Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PB PMII), Pengurus Pusat Pergerakan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia (PP PMKRI), DPP Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhamadiyah, KMHDI, GMKI, Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia (SMI), Somasi Unas, AMAN Indonesia, Wahid Institut, Setara Institut, Ut Omnes Unum Sint Institute, Pergerakan Indonesia, Nabaja, FPBJ, KPA, BMDS, TPKB, JKLPK, LPBH FAS, Elsam, HRWG, Masyarakat Antar Iman, PGIS Bogor, GPIB Zebaot, HKBP Rawalumbu, HKBP Getsemane, GPIB Maranatha, HKBP Filadelpia, HKBP Kayu Tinggi, HKBP Duta Permai, ICRP, Gekindo, Jira, Yakoma PGI, GPDI Immanuel, GPDI El Shaday, FPPHR, FABB/MBI, ILRC, PPR GKPI Depok, KP3I, Sinode GKI, Persekutuan Gereja-gereja Indonesia (PGI).
Posted Monday, 25 April 2011
Last updated Monday, 25 April 2011
Selasa, 26 April 2011
How to use your Bible in prayer
It is foolish to pray without The Bible, because through The Bible the Lord reveals Himself to us.God speaks to us through His Word and it is our responsibility to respond. Every now andagain The Bible requires us to change our behaviour, our way of thinking and our prayers.Anyone who neglects his study of The Bible runs the risk of going astray. The aim is to giveguidelines to the intercessor on how to use his Bible.
1.Start your quiet time by reading a portion of Scripture. Pray through that portion. Takenote of the admonitions, sins, promises, orders, examples and warnings and pray aboutthem.
2.Make notes on prayers in Scripture. Start with Psalms and learn from David's prayerswhat you can, may and ought to pray.
3.Specially underline God's promises in Scripture, find ways to apply them in everyday lifeand use those promises when you pray.
4.Enrich your prayer with Scripture. Some groups talk about 'Word enriched prayer'.
5.Study the lives of prayers in the Bible. Learn from the examples of Jesus, David, Elijah,Moses, Paul, Abraham, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and others.
6.Every believer should have a Bible study programme and a Bible reading programme. Itis not so far fetched to read through the Bible at least once a year. Get a One Year Bibleand use it daily. However, this should not replace a more intensive study of the Bible.
7.Ask at least the following questions about each portion of Scripture:• Where is it written?• What does it say to me?• What behaviour does it encourage in me?• How should or can I pray about it?
8.It is important to memorize portions of Scripture. Try to memorize three verses a week.Very few people can manage more than three per week.
9.Scripture is important to prayer, because it is what God says Himself. To use The Wordin prayer is to take God at His Word. God is Faithful to Himself and His Word.
10. Books are available with Bible promises that have been divided into sub-sections andwhich can be used effectively in your prayer time.
11. It can be meaningful to use coloured pencils to underline or colour certain things in your
Bible in order to emphasize them. You can use the following classification, for instance,or work out your own:
Promises - underline with a blue pen
Commands - colour the verse with a red pencil
Warnings - colour them orange
Sin - underline with a red pen
Announcing of judgments - colour them brown
Portions on Praise and Worship - colour them yellow
Portions on prayer or prayers - mark with a P in the margin
Portions on the evil one/occult - mark with an * in the margin
These are only a few guidelines which could be expanded to suit your own needs. Thefollowing is an extract from the autobiography by George Muller. The method used byGeorge Muller for his personal quiet time and enrichment can be effectively used by allbelievers. The most important thing, he said, was first to concentrate on reading theBible, then meditating on a chosen portion:
"... that thus my heart might be comforted, encouraged, warned, reproved, instructed;and that thus, by means of the Word of God whilst meditating upon it, my heart might bebrought into communion with the Lord... The first thing I did (early in the morning), afterhaving asked in a few words the Lord's blessing upon his precious Word, was, to begin tomeditate on the Word of God, searching, as it were into every verse to get blessing out ofit; not for the sake of preaching on what I had meditated upon; but for the sake ofobtaining food for my soul. The result I have found to be almost invariably this; that aftera very few minutes my soul has been led to confession or to thanksgiving or tointercession or to supplication; so that though I did not as it were previously, give myselfto prayer but to meditation yet it turned almost immediately more or less into prayer.
The difference then between my former practice and my present one is this: Formerlywhen I arose I began to pray as soon as possible and generally spent all my time tillbreakfast in prayer or almost all the time... But what was the result? I often spent aquarter of an hour or half an hour or even an hour on my knees before being consciousto myself of having derived comfort, encouragement, humbling of soul, etc; and often,after having suffered much from wandering of mind for the first ten minutes or a quarterof an hour or even half an hour, I only then began really to pray. I scarcely ever suffernow in this way. For my heart being nourished by the Truth, being brought into truefellowship with God, I speak to my Father and to my Friend (vile though I am, andunworthy of it!) about the things that He has brought before me in his precious Word. Itoften now astonishes me that I did not sooner see this point... In addition to this (Mullerwrote some years later) I generally read after family prayer large portions of the Word ofGod when I still pursue my practice of reading onward in
The Holy Scriptures, sometimes in the New Testament and sometimes in the Old and formore than thirty-nine years I have proved the Blessedness of it. I take also either then orat other parts of the day, time more especially for prayer."
Sabtu, 23 April 2011
The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?
The most significant event in history is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the strongest evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. This event gives men and women the sure hope of eternal life; a hope that not only gives us joy as we look to the future but also provides us with powerful reasons to live today.
Throughout the centuries, however, there have been scholars who have attempted to deny the account of the Resurrection. Our schools are filled with history books which give alternative explanations for the Resurrection or in some cases, fail even to mention this unique event.
In this essay we will take a look at the evidence for the Resurrection and see if this event is historical fact or fiction. But, first, we must establish the fact that Jesus Christ was a historical figure and not a legend. There are several highly accurate historical documents that attest to Jesus. First, let's look at the four Gospels themselves. The authors Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John recorded very specific facts of the events surrounding the life of Jesus, and archaeology has verified the accuracy of the New Testament. Hundreds of facts such as the names of officials, geographical sites, financial currencies, and times of events have been confirmed. Sir William Ramsay, one of the greatest geographers of the 19th century, became firmly convinced of the accuracy of the New Testament as a result of the overwhelming evidence he discovered during his research. As a result, he completely reversed his antagonism against Christianity.
The textual evidence decisively shows that the Gospels were written and circulated during the lifetime of those who witnessed the events. Since there are so many specific names and places mentioned, eyewitnesses could have easily discredited the writings. The New Testament would have never survived had the facts been inaccurate. These facts indicate that the Gospels are historically reliable and show Jesus to be a historical figure. For more information on the accuracy of the Bible, see the essay from Probe entitled Authority of the Bible.
Another document that supports the historicity of Jesus is the work of Josephus, a potentially hostile Jewish historian. He recorded Antiquities, a history of the Jews, for the Romans during the lifetime of Jesus. He wrote, "Now there was about that time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man."{1} Josephus goes on to relate other specific details about Jesus' life and death that correspond with the New Testament. Roman historians such as Suetonius, Tacitus, and Pliny the Younger also refer to Jesus as a historically real individual.
Skeptics often challenge Christians to prove the Resurrection scientifically. We must understand, the scientific method is based on showing that something is fact by repeated observations of the object or event. Therefore, the method is limited to repeatable events or observable objects. Historical events cannot be repeated. For example, can we repeatedly observe the creation of our solar system? The obvious answer is no, but that does not mean the creation of the solar system did not happen.
In proving a historical event like the Resurrection, we must look at the historical evidence. Thus far in our discussion we have shown that belief in the historical Jesus of the New Testament is certainly reasonable and that the scientific method cannot be applied to proving a historical event. For the reminder of this essay, we will examine the historical facts concerning the Resurrection and see what the evidence reveals.
Examining the Evidence
Three facts must be reckoned with when investigating the Resurrection: the empty tomb, the transformation of the Apostles, and the preaching of the Resurrection originating in Jerusalem.
Let us first examine the case of the empty tomb. Jesus was a well- known figure in Israel. His burial site was known by many people. In fact Matthew records the exact location of Jesus' tomb. He states, "And Joseph of Arimathea took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb" (Matt. 27:59). Mark asserts that Joseph was "a prominent member of the Council" (Mark 15:43).
It would have been destructive for the writers to invent a man of such prominence, name him specifically, and designate the tomb site, since eyewitnesses would have easily discredited the author's fallacious claims.
Jewish and Roman sources both testify to an empty tomb. Matthew 28:12 13 specifically states that the chief priests invented the story that the disciples stole the body. There would be no need for this fabrication if the tomb had not been empty. Opponents of the Resurrection must account for this. If the tomb had not been empty, the preaching of the Apostles would not have lasted one day. All the Jewish authorities needed to do to put an end to Christianity was to produce the body of Jesus.
Along with the empty tomb is the fact that the corpse of Jesus was never found. Not one historical record from the first or second century is written attacking the factuality of the empty tomb or claiming discovery of the corpse. Tom Anderson, former president of the California Trial Lawyers Association states,
Let's assume that the written accounts of His appearances to hundreds of people are false. I want to pose a question. With an event so well publicized, don't you think that it's reasonable that one historian, one eye witness, one antagonist would record for all time that he had seen Christ's body? . . . The silence of history is deafening when it comes to the testimony against the resurrection.{2}
Second, we have the changed lives of the Apostles. It is recorded in the Gospels that while Jesus was on trial, the Apostles deserted Him in fear. Yet 10 out of the 11 Apostles died as martyrs believing Christ rose from the dead. What accounts for their transformation into men willing to die for their message? It must have been a very compelling event to account for this.
Third, the Apostles began preaching the Resurrection in Jerusalem. This is significant since this is the very city in which Jesus was crucified. This was the most hostile city in which to preach. Furthermore, all the evidence was there for everyone to investigate. Legends take root in foreign lands or centuries after the event. Discrediting such legends is difficult since the facts are hard to verify. However, in this case the preaching occurs in the city of the event immediately after it occurred. Every possible fact could have been investigated thoroughly.
Anyone studying the Resurrection must somehow explain these three facts.
Five Common Explanations
Over the years five explanations have been used to argue against the Resurrection. We will examine these explanations to see whether they are valid.
The Wrong Tomb Theory
Proponents of this first argument state that according to the Gospel accounts, the women visited the grave early in the morning while it was dark. Due to their emotional condition and the darkness, they visited the wrong tomb. Overjoyed to see that it was empty, they rushed back to tell the disciples Jesus had risen. The disciples in turn ran into Jerusalem to proclaim the Resurrection.
There are several major flaws with this explanation. First, it is extremely doubtful that the Apostles would not have corrected the women's error. The Gospel of John gives a very detailed account of them doing just that. Second, the tomb site was known not only by the followers of Christ but also by their opponents. The Gospels make it clear the body was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish council. If the body still remained in the tomb while the Apostles began preaching, the authorities simply would have to go to the right tomb, produce the body, and march it down the streets. This would have ended the Christian faith once and for all. Remember, the preaching of the Resurrection began in Jerusalem, fifteen minutes away from the crucifixion site and the tomb. These factors make this theory extremely weak.
The Hallucination Theory
This second theory holds that the Resurrection of Christ just occurred in the minds' of the disciples. Dr. William McNeil articulates this position in his book, A World History. He writes,
The Roman authorities in Jerusalem arrested and crucified Jesus. . . . But soon afterwards the dispirited Apostles gathered in an upstairs room' and suddenly felt again the heartwarming presence of their master. This seemed absolutely convincing evidence that Jesus' death on the cross had not been the end but the beginning. . . . The Apostles bubbled over with excitement and tried to explain to all who would listen all that had happened.{3}
This position is unrealistic for several reasons. In order for hallucinations of this type to occur, psychiatrists agree that several conditions must exist. However, this situation was not conducive for hallucinations. Here are several reasons. Hallucinations generally occur to people who are imaginative and of a nervous make up. However, the appearances of Jesus occurred to a variety of people. Hallucinations are subjective and individual. No two people have the same experience. In this case, over five hundred people (Corinthians 15) have the same account. Hallucinations occur only at particular times and places and are associated with the events. The Resurrection appearances occur in many different environments and at different times. Finally, hallucinations of this nature occur to those who intensely want to believe. However, several such as Thomas and James, the half brother of Jesus were hostile to the news of the Resurrection.
If some continue to argue for this position, they still must account for the empty tomb. If the Apostles dreamed up the Resurrection at their preaching, all the authorities needed to do was produce the body and that would have ended the Apostles' dream. These facts make these two theories extremely unlikely.
The Swoon Theory
A third theory espouses that Jesus never died on the cross but merely passed out and was mistakenly considered dead. After three days He revived, exited the tomb, and appeared to His disciples who believed He had risen from the dead. This theory was developed in the early nineteenth century, but today it has been completely given up for several reasons.
First, it is a physical impossibility that Jesus could have survived the tortures of the crucifixion. Second, the soldiers who crucified Jesus were experts in executing this type of death penalty. Furthermore, they took several precautions to make sure He was actually dead. They thrust a spear in His side. When blood and water come out separately, this indicates the blood cells had begun to separate from the plasma which will only happen when the blood stops circulating. Upon deciding to break the legs of the criminals (in order to speed up the process of dying), they carefully examined the body of Jesus and found that He was already dead.
After being taken down from the cross, Jesus was covered with eighty pounds of spices and embalmed. It is unreasonable to believe that after three days with no food or water, Jesus would revive. Even harder to believe is that Jesus could roll a two-ton stone up an incline, overpower the guards, and then walk several miles to Emmaeus. Even if Jesus had done this, His appearing to the disciples half-dead and desperately in need of medical attention would not have prompted their worship of Him as God.
In the 19th century, David F. Strauss, an opponent of Christianity, put an end to any hope in this theory. Although he did not believe in the Resurrection, he concluded this to be a very outlandish theory. He stated,
It is impossible that a being who had stolen half-dead out of the sepulchre, who crept about weak and ill, wanting medical treatment, who required bandaging, strengthening, and indulgence, and who still at last yielded to his sufferings, could have given the disciples the impression that he was a Conqueror over death and the grave, the Prince of life, an impression that would lay at the bottom of their future ministry.{4}
The Stolen Body Theory
This fourth argument holds that Jewish and Roman authorities stole the body or moved it for safekeeping. It is inconceivable to think this a possibility. If they had the body, why did they need to accuse the disciples of stealing it? (Matt. 28:11 15). In Acts 4, the Jewish authorities were angered and did everything they could to prevent the spread of Christianity. Why would the disciples deceive their own people into believing in a false Messiah when they knew that this deception would mean the deaths of hundreds of their believing friends? If they really knew where the body was, they could have exposed it and ended the faith that caused them so much trouble and embarrassment. Throughout the preaching of the Apostles, the authorities never attempted to refute the Resurrection by producing a body. This theory has little merit.
The Soldiers Fell Asleep Theory
Thus far we have been studying the evidence for the Resurrection. We examined four theories used in attempts to invalidate this miracle. Careful analysis revealed the theories were inadequate to refute the Resurrection. The fifth and most popular theory has existed since the day of the Resurrection and is still believed by many opponents of Christianity. Matthew 28:12 13 articulates this position.
When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money telling them, "You are to say, his disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.'"
Many have wondered why Matthew records this and then does not refute it. Perhaps it is because this explanation was so preposterous, he did not see the need to do so.
This explanation remains an impossibility for several reasons. First, if the soldiers were sleeping, how did they know it was the disciples who stole the body? Second, it seems physically impossible for the disciples to sneak past the soldiers and then move a two-ton stone up an incline in absolute silence. Certainly the guards would have heard something.
Third, the tomb was secured with a Roman seal. Anyone who moved the stone would break the seal, an offense punishable by death. The depression and cowardice of the disciples makes it difficult to believe that they would suddenly become so brave as to face a detachment of soldiers, steal the body, and then lie about the Resurrection when they would ultimately face a life of suffering and death for their contrived message.
Fourth, Roman guards were not likely to fall asleep with such an important duty. There were penalties for doing so. The disciples would have needed to overpower them. A very unlikely scenario.
Finally, in the Gospel of John the grave clothes were found "lying there as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself separate from the linen" (20:6 7). There was not enough time for the disciples to sneak past the guards, roll away the stone, unwrap the body, rewrap it in their wrappings, and fold the head piece neatly next to the linen. In a robbery, the men would have flung the garments down in disorder and fled in fear of detection.
Conclusion: Monumental Implications
These five theories inadequately account for the empty tomb, the transformation of the Apostles, and the birth of Christianity in the city of the crucifixion. The conclusion we must seriously consider is that Jesus rose from the grave. The implications of this are monumental.
First, if Jesus rose from the dead, then what He said about Himself is true. He stated, "I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in me shall live even if he dies" (John 11:25). He also stated, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no man comes to the father , but through me" (John 14:6). Eternal life is found through Jesus Christ alone. Any religious belief that contradicts this must be false. Every religious leader has been buried in a grave. Their tombs have become places of worship. The location of Jesus' tomb is unknown because it was empty; his body is not there. There was no need to enshrine an empty tomb.
Second, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:54, "Death has been swallowed up in victory." Physical death is not the end; eternal life with our Lord awaits all who trust in Him because Jesus has conquered death.
© 1997 Probe Ministries
Josephus, Antiquities xviii. 33. (Early second Century).
Josh McDowell, The Resurrection Factor (San Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1981), p. 66.
William McNeil, A World History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. 163.
David Strauss, The Life of Jesus for the People , vol. 1, 2nd edition (London: Williams and Norgate, 1879), p. 412.
For Further Reading
Craig, William Lane. Apologetics: An Introduction. Chicago: Moody Press, 1984.
Geisler, Norman. When Skeptics Ask. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Press, 1989.
Greenleaf, Simon. The Testimony of the Evangelists: The Four Gospels Examined by the Rules of Evidence. Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications, 1995.
Little, Paul. Know Why You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.
McDowell, Josh. Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volume 1. San Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1979.
The Resurrection Factor. San Bernardino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1981.
McNeill, William. A World History, Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Montgomery, John, ed. Evidence for Faith: Deciding the God Question. Dallas: Probe Books, 1991.
Morison, Frank. Who Moved the Stone? Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing, 1958.
Strauss, David. The Life of Jesus for the People. Volume 1, Second Edition. London: Williams and Norgate, 1879.
About the Author
Patrick Zukeran is a research associate, and a national and international speaker for Probe Ministries. He graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, and holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. He served in the pastorate for ten years before joining the staff of Probe Ministries. He is the author of the book Unless I See... Reasons to Consider the Christian Faith. He can be reached via e-mail at
The most significant event in history is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the strongest evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. This event gives men and women the sure hope of eternal life; a hope that not only gives us joy as we look to the future but also provides us with powerful reasons to live today.
Throughout the centuries, however, there have been scholars who have attempted to deny the account of the Resurrection. Our schools are filled with history books which give alternative explanations for the Resurrection or in some cases, fail even to mention this unique event.
In this essay we will take a look at the evidence for the Resurrection and see if this event is historical fact or fiction. But, first, we must establish the fact that Jesus Christ was a historical figure and not a legend. There are several highly accurate historical documents that attest to Jesus. First, let's look at the four Gospels themselves. The authors Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John recorded very specific facts of the events surrounding the life of Jesus, and archaeology has verified the accuracy of the New Testament. Hundreds of facts such as the names of officials, geographical sites, financial currencies, and times of events have been confirmed. Sir William Ramsay, one of the greatest geographers of the 19th century, became firmly convinced of the accuracy of the New Testament as a result of the overwhelming evidence he discovered during his research. As a result, he completely reversed his antagonism against Christianity.
The textual evidence decisively shows that the Gospels were written and circulated during the lifetime of those who witnessed the events. Since there are so many specific names and places mentioned, eyewitnesses could have easily discredited the writings. The New Testament would have never survived had the facts been inaccurate. These facts indicate that the Gospels are historically reliable and show Jesus to be a historical figure. For more information on the accuracy of the Bible, see the essay from Probe entitled Authority of the Bible.
Another document that supports the historicity of Jesus is the work of Josephus, a potentially hostile Jewish historian. He recorded Antiquities, a history of the Jews, for the Romans during the lifetime of Jesus. He wrote, "Now there was about that time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man."{1} Josephus goes on to relate other specific details about Jesus' life and death that correspond with the New Testament. Roman historians such as Suetonius, Tacitus, and Pliny the Younger also refer to Jesus as a historically real individual.
Skeptics often challenge Christians to prove the Resurrection scientifically. We must understand, the scientific method is based on showing that something is fact by repeated observations of the object or event. Therefore, the method is limited to repeatable events or observable objects. Historical events cannot be repeated. For example, can we repeatedly observe the creation of our solar system? The obvious answer is no, but that does not mean the creation of the solar system did not happen.
In proving a historical event like the Resurrection, we must look at the historical evidence. Thus far in our discussion we have shown that belief in the historical Jesus of the New Testament is certainly reasonable and that the scientific method cannot be applied to proving a historical event. For the reminder of this essay, we will examine the historical facts concerning the Resurrection and see what the evidence reveals.
Examining the Evidence
Three facts must be reckoned with when investigating the Resurrection: the empty tomb, the transformation of the Apostles, and the preaching of the Resurrection originating in Jerusalem.
Let us first examine the case of the empty tomb. Jesus was a well- known figure in Israel. His burial site was known by many people. In fact Matthew records the exact location of Jesus' tomb. He states, "And Joseph of Arimathea took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb" (Matt. 27:59). Mark asserts that Joseph was "a prominent member of the Council" (Mark 15:43).
It would have been destructive for the writers to invent a man of such prominence, name him specifically, and designate the tomb site, since eyewitnesses would have easily discredited the author's fallacious claims.
Jewish and Roman sources both testify to an empty tomb. Matthew 28:12 13 specifically states that the chief priests invented the story that the disciples stole the body. There would be no need for this fabrication if the tomb had not been empty. Opponents of the Resurrection must account for this. If the tomb had not been empty, the preaching of the Apostles would not have lasted one day. All the Jewish authorities needed to do to put an end to Christianity was to produce the body of Jesus.
Along with the empty tomb is the fact that the corpse of Jesus was never found. Not one historical record from the first or second century is written attacking the factuality of the empty tomb or claiming discovery of the corpse. Tom Anderson, former president of the California Trial Lawyers Association states,
Let's assume that the written accounts of His appearances to hundreds of people are false. I want to pose a question. With an event so well publicized, don't you think that it's reasonable that one historian, one eye witness, one antagonist would record for all time that he had seen Christ's body? . . . The silence of history is deafening when it comes to the testimony against the resurrection.{2}
Second, we have the changed lives of the Apostles. It is recorded in the Gospels that while Jesus was on trial, the Apostles deserted Him in fear. Yet 10 out of the 11 Apostles died as martyrs believing Christ rose from the dead. What accounts for their transformation into men willing to die for their message? It must have been a very compelling event to account for this.
Third, the Apostles began preaching the Resurrection in Jerusalem. This is significant since this is the very city in which Jesus was crucified. This was the most hostile city in which to preach. Furthermore, all the evidence was there for everyone to investigate. Legends take root in foreign lands or centuries after the event. Discrediting such legends is difficult since the facts are hard to verify. However, in this case the preaching occurs in the city of the event immediately after it occurred. Every possible fact could have been investigated thoroughly.
Anyone studying the Resurrection must somehow explain these three facts.
Five Common Explanations
Over the years five explanations have been used to argue against the Resurrection. We will examine these explanations to see whether they are valid.
The Wrong Tomb Theory
Proponents of this first argument state that according to the Gospel accounts, the women visited the grave early in the morning while it was dark. Due to their emotional condition and the darkness, they visited the wrong tomb. Overjoyed to see that it was empty, they rushed back to tell the disciples Jesus had risen. The disciples in turn ran into Jerusalem to proclaim the Resurrection.
There are several major flaws with this explanation. First, it is extremely doubtful that the Apostles would not have corrected the women's error. The Gospel of John gives a very detailed account of them doing just that. Second, the tomb site was known not only by the followers of Christ but also by their opponents. The Gospels make it clear the body was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish council. If the body still remained in the tomb while the Apostles began preaching, the authorities simply would have to go to the right tomb, produce the body, and march it down the streets. This would have ended the Christian faith once and for all. Remember, the preaching of the Resurrection began in Jerusalem, fifteen minutes away from the crucifixion site and the tomb. These factors make this theory extremely weak.
The Hallucination Theory
This second theory holds that the Resurrection of Christ just occurred in the minds' of the disciples. Dr. William McNeil articulates this position in his book, A World History. He writes,
The Roman authorities in Jerusalem arrested and crucified Jesus. . . . But soon afterwards the dispirited Apostles gathered in an upstairs room' and suddenly felt again the heartwarming presence of their master. This seemed absolutely convincing evidence that Jesus' death on the cross had not been the end but the beginning. . . . The Apostles bubbled over with excitement and tried to explain to all who would listen all that had happened.{3}
This position is unrealistic for several reasons. In order for hallucinations of this type to occur, psychiatrists agree that several conditions must exist. However, this situation was not conducive for hallucinations. Here are several reasons. Hallucinations generally occur to people who are imaginative and of a nervous make up. However, the appearances of Jesus occurred to a variety of people. Hallucinations are subjective and individual. No two people have the same experience. In this case, over five hundred people (Corinthians 15) have the same account. Hallucinations occur only at particular times and places and are associated with the events. The Resurrection appearances occur in many different environments and at different times. Finally, hallucinations of this nature occur to those who intensely want to believe. However, several such as Thomas and James, the half brother of Jesus were hostile to the news of the Resurrection.
If some continue to argue for this position, they still must account for the empty tomb. If the Apostles dreamed up the Resurrection at their preaching, all the authorities needed to do was produce the body and that would have ended the Apostles' dream. These facts make these two theories extremely unlikely.
The Swoon Theory
A third theory espouses that Jesus never died on the cross but merely passed out and was mistakenly considered dead. After three days He revived, exited the tomb, and appeared to His disciples who believed He had risen from the dead. This theory was developed in the early nineteenth century, but today it has been completely given up for several reasons.
First, it is a physical impossibility that Jesus could have survived the tortures of the crucifixion. Second, the soldiers who crucified Jesus were experts in executing this type of death penalty. Furthermore, they took several precautions to make sure He was actually dead. They thrust a spear in His side. When blood and water come out separately, this indicates the blood cells had begun to separate from the plasma which will only happen when the blood stops circulating. Upon deciding to break the legs of the criminals (in order to speed up the process of dying), they carefully examined the body of Jesus and found that He was already dead.
After being taken down from the cross, Jesus was covered with eighty pounds of spices and embalmed. It is unreasonable to believe that after three days with no food or water, Jesus would revive. Even harder to believe is that Jesus could roll a two-ton stone up an incline, overpower the guards, and then walk several miles to Emmaeus. Even if Jesus had done this, His appearing to the disciples half-dead and desperately in need of medical attention would not have prompted their worship of Him as God.
In the 19th century, David F. Strauss, an opponent of Christianity, put an end to any hope in this theory. Although he did not believe in the Resurrection, he concluded this to be a very outlandish theory. He stated,
It is impossible that a being who had stolen half-dead out of the sepulchre, who crept about weak and ill, wanting medical treatment, who required bandaging, strengthening, and indulgence, and who still at last yielded to his sufferings, could have given the disciples the impression that he was a Conqueror over death and the grave, the Prince of life, an impression that would lay at the bottom of their future ministry.{4}
The Stolen Body Theory
This fourth argument holds that Jewish and Roman authorities stole the body or moved it for safekeeping. It is inconceivable to think this a possibility. If they had the body, why did they need to accuse the disciples of stealing it? (Matt. 28:11 15). In Acts 4, the Jewish authorities were angered and did everything they could to prevent the spread of Christianity. Why would the disciples deceive their own people into believing in a false Messiah when they knew that this deception would mean the deaths of hundreds of their believing friends? If they really knew where the body was, they could have exposed it and ended the faith that caused them so much trouble and embarrassment. Throughout the preaching of the Apostles, the authorities never attempted to refute the Resurrection by producing a body. This theory has little merit.
The Soldiers Fell Asleep Theory
Thus far we have been studying the evidence for the Resurrection. We examined four theories used in attempts to invalidate this miracle. Careful analysis revealed the theories were inadequate to refute the Resurrection. The fifth and most popular theory has existed since the day of the Resurrection and is still believed by many opponents of Christianity. Matthew 28:12 13 articulates this position.
When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money telling them, "You are to say, his disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.'"
Many have wondered why Matthew records this and then does not refute it. Perhaps it is because this explanation was so preposterous, he did not see the need to do so.
This explanation remains an impossibility for several reasons. First, if the soldiers were sleeping, how did they know it was the disciples who stole the body? Second, it seems physically impossible for the disciples to sneak past the soldiers and then move a two-ton stone up an incline in absolute silence. Certainly the guards would have heard something.
Third, the tomb was secured with a Roman seal. Anyone who moved the stone would break the seal, an offense punishable by death. The depression and cowardice of the disciples makes it difficult to believe that they would suddenly become so brave as to face a detachment of soldiers, steal the body, and then lie about the Resurrection when they would ultimately face a life of suffering and death for their contrived message.
Fourth, Roman guards were not likely to fall asleep with such an important duty. There were penalties for doing so. The disciples would have needed to overpower them. A very unlikely scenario.
Finally, in the Gospel of John the grave clothes were found "lying there as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself separate from the linen" (20:6 7). There was not enough time for the disciples to sneak past the guards, roll away the stone, unwrap the body, rewrap it in their wrappings, and fold the head piece neatly next to the linen. In a robbery, the men would have flung the garments down in disorder and fled in fear of detection.
Conclusion: Monumental Implications
These five theories inadequately account for the empty tomb, the transformation of the Apostles, and the birth of Christianity in the city of the crucifixion. The conclusion we must seriously consider is that Jesus rose from the grave. The implications of this are monumental.
First, if Jesus rose from the dead, then what He said about Himself is true. He stated, "I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in me shall live even if he dies" (John 11:25). He also stated, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no man comes to the father , but through me" (John 14:6). Eternal life is found through Jesus Christ alone. Any religious belief that contradicts this must be false. Every religious leader has been buried in a grave. Their tombs have become places of worship. The location of Jesus' tomb is unknown because it was empty; his body is not there. There was no need to enshrine an empty tomb.
Second, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:54, "Death has been swallowed up in victory." Physical death is not the end; eternal life with our Lord awaits all who trust in Him because Jesus has conquered death.
Written by Pat Zukeran
© 1997 Probe Ministries
Josephus, Antiquities xviii. 33. (Early second Century).
Josh McDowell, The Resurrection Factor (San Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1981), p. 66.
William McNeil, A World History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. 163.
David Strauss, The Life of Jesus for the People , vol. 1, 2nd edition (London: Williams and Norgate, 1879), p. 412.
For Further Reading
Craig, William Lane. Apologetics: An Introduction. Chicago: Moody Press, 1984.
Geisler, Norman. When Skeptics Ask. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Press, 1989.
Greenleaf, Simon. The Testimony of the Evangelists: The Four Gospels Examined by the Rules of Evidence. Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications, 1995.
Little, Paul. Know Why You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.
McDowell, Josh. Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volume 1. San Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1979.
The Resurrection Factor. San Bernardino, Calif.: Here's Life Publishers, 1981.
McNeill, William. A World History, Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Montgomery, John, ed. Evidence for Faith: Deciding the God Question. Dallas: Probe Books, 1991.
Morison, Frank. Who Moved the Stone? Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing, 1958.
Strauss, David. The Life of Jesus for the People. Volume 1, Second Edition. London: Williams and Norgate, 1879.
About the Author
Patrick Zukeran is a research associate, and a national and international speaker for Probe Ministries. He graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, and holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. He served in the pastorate for ten years before joining the staff of Probe Ministries. He is the author of the book Unless I See... Reasons to Consider the Christian Faith. He can be reached via e-mail at
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